The McCorkel name was brought over from Ireland in 1898 by Robert Henry McCorkel Sr. who married Gilly
Elizabeth Neel in 1900. Together they had five children only three of which made it through childhood. Madison Jefferson
born abt. 1908 died in a fire in the 1930's, Archie Leon born Aug. 20, 1911 married and had four children and Robert Henry
Jr. married and had ten children.
Prior to the McCorkel name there was the Neel's. Benjamin H. Neel is the oldest relative I have record of
so far. He was born Aug. 5, 1817. He married Gilly C. born March 8, 1823 of Butts County, Georgia. They had a son named Thomas
Jefferson Neel born March 11, 1855.
Thomas Jefferson Neel Married Sarah W. born Oct. 8, 1862. Together they had seven children. My direct decendent
is Gilly Elizabeth Neel who married in the McCorkel name.
Robert Henry McCorkel Jr. is my grandfather. He was born May 23, 1916 in Butler;s Ferry, Florida. He married
Edna Mae Godwin born Jan. 16, 1919 in Grandridge, Florida. She was the daughter of George Thomas Godwin and Edna Ethel Jeter
of Sneads Co., Florida.